If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. - 1 John 1:6-7.
To “walk in the darkness” means to live as the world lives, doing those things that are against God’s Word… in other words, live in sin. Such people do not “have fellowship with him,” i.e., they are not born of God …
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? - 2 Cor 6:14.
Several years ago our family visited Niagara Falls. It was spring, and ice was rushing down the river. As I viewed the large blocks of ice flowing toward the falls, I could see that there were carcasses of dead fish embedded in the ice. Gulls by the score were riding down the river feeding on the fish. As they came to the brink of the falls, their wings would go out, and they would escape from the falls.
I watched one gull which seemed to delay and wondered when it would leave. It was engrossed in the carcass of a fish, and when it finally came to the brink of the falls, out went its powerful wings. The bird flapped and flapped and even lifted the ice out of the water, and I thought it would escape. But it had delayed too long so that its claws had frozen into the ice. The weight of the ice was too great, and the gull plunged into the abyss.
The material possessions of this world can entrap us if we become too attached to them. They will take us to our destruction if we cannot give them up. And as Dr. Sweeting observed, "Oh, the danger of delay!" - Dr. Sweetings Special Sermons for Special Days.
Those who have fellowship with God, experience His daily grace, and live lives of holiness in His daily presence, “… and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin”.
Two theological students were walking along a street in the Whitechapel district of London, a section where old and used clothing is sold. "What a fitting illustration all this makes!" said one of the students as he pointed to a suit of clothes hanging on a rack by a window. A sign on it read: SLIGHTLY SOILED -- GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE.
"That's it exactly," he continued. "We get soiled by gazing at a vulgar picture, reading a course book, or allowing ourselves a little indulgence in dishonest or lustful thoughts; and so when the time comes for our character to be appraised, we are greatly reduced in value. Our purity, our strength is gone. We are just part and parcel of the general, shopworn stock of the world."
Yes, continual slight deviations from the path of right may greatly reduce our usefulness to God and to our fellowman. In fact, these little secret sins can weaken our character so that when we face a moral crisis, we cannot stand the test. As a result, we go down in spiritual defeat because we have been careless about little sins. – Source Unknown.
To “walk in the light” means to believe God’s truth as revealed in His Word, and to make an honest and continual effort by His grace, to follow in word and accomplishment. The “…blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin,” refers to the ongoing work of sanctification within the believer, and the continual purification for our unintentional sins.
Phillips Brooks, former minister of Boston's Trinity Episcopal Church, is perhaps best known as the author of "O Little Town of Bethlehem." He was a very busy pastor, yet he always seemed relaxed and unburdened, willing to take time for anyone in need. Shortly before Brooks died, a young friend wrote to him and asked the secret of his strength and serenity. In a heartfelt response, Brooks credited his still-growing relationship with Christ.
He wrote, "The more I have thought it over, the more sure it has seemed to me that these last years have had a peace and fullness which there did not used to be. It is a deeper knowledge and truer love of Christ...
I cannot tell you how personal this grows to me. He is here. He knows me and I know Him. It is the most real thing in the world. And every day makes it more real. And one wonders with delight what it will grow to as the years go on." - Our Daily Bread.
Constant purifying allows us to have intimate fellowship with God… praise the wonderful Name of Jesus, what a mighty God we serve!
Loving Father, thank you for your daily grace and presence in my life, through the precious blood of Jesus our Lord and Saviour, enabling us to have wonderful, abundant fellowship with you. I ask this in the wonderful and majestic Name of Jesus. Amen.
Be encouraged!
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