We sing when we are happy, we sing when we are heartbroken, but today we sing out of gratitude.
God is not only worthy of all of our praise, He is worthy of all of our thankfulness. The origin of all our songs is Jesus, and the declaration of the good news that brings life to us through Him.
And as that message, that word of Christ, fills our hearts, we are tuned to be thankful children of the Most High.
Loving Father, I am so thankful today, for all the many blessings you have poured into my life. Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness give me hope for the future. Your gift of Jesus gives me life today, and promises life tomorrow. The incredible physical blessings, as well as the blessings of family and friends, are wonderful. But the greatest of all blessings, Lord, is the assurance that I will one day see you face- to-face, and share your glorious presence forever. In the wonderful and mighty Name Jesus I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged!
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